Remembering Barry Harris - My favourite stories & playing together video

barry harris learning Dec 15, 2022


Barry Harris was a great pianist and teacher whom I was fortunate enough to study with and spend time with. In honor of his memory, I wanted to share some of my favorite stories and experiences with him.

For those of you who didn't know Barry, these stories may give you an insight into what it was like to learn from him and be around him. And for those of you who did know him, hopefully, these stories will remind you of what a wonderful person he was and how much fun he was to be around.

I first met Barry at a workshop he was holding. I didn't really know what to expect, but I quickly learned that Barry was a force to be reckoned with. He would bring people up to the piano and have them play, and I remember him pointing to a guy and saying "you, come sit here." At first, I didn't really understand what was going on musically, but I was fascinated by the sounds he was creating.

Despite Barry having a cold and finding it difficult to speak loudly, I left the workshop determined to learn more. I spent the next year seeking out anyone who could help me understand his teaching and playing style. I eventually met a trumpet player named Gary Kavanagh who showed me some of the soloing techniques Barry taught.

I went back to another workshop the next time Barry was in town, and I realized that I still didn't fully understand his chord movement system, which is one of the most beautiful aspects of his music. At one of the workshops, Barry had me accompany singers on a song I had never heard before. He wanted it in several keys for different singers, and I quickly realized that I wasn't as strong as I thought I was. People were even calling me afterwards to check on me. Later, I discovered that Barry would only do this to someone he liked, so I took it as a compliment.

Despite the fact that Barry gave me a hard time, I never doubted that it was out of love. He even said to me afterwards, "I didn't mean to do that to you, but do you know why I play? Well, I was playing with [secret name], and he gave me the dirtiest look you ever saw, and I said I'll show you **********!" 
I knew he was challenging me to improve, and I was determined not to let him down.

Barry was known for his direct and honest approach to teaching, and his words had a profound impact on me. He told me that after something like that happened in his class, the student either figured it out and improved, or he never saw them again. He was essentially giving me a choice: get better or give up. I chose to get better.

Barry's influence on me was profound, and I will always be grateful for the time I spent learning from him and being around him. He was an amazing person and a true master of his craft. Rest in peace, Barry Harris.

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